Hi, I'm Jody. I'm torn between the usual US introduction that immediately tells you what I do for a do for a living or the one I learned from the Maori when I lived in New Zealand that began with my mountain, my river, and my people. I have to say I prefer the Maori, and so my river is Niagara (I was born in Niagara Falls). I feel sad that I don't have a particular mountain or people, and I think that is because we are just not as connected to the land or people as are the Maori.

Onto the US intro - I'm a professor of International Human Rights, Global Migration, and Globalization. I used to teach Comparative Education and Social Foundations of Education. For the past 20 years I've conducted research and worked with refugees internationally, taking me to Ghana, Uganda, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Greece, and France.

I caught the travel bug when I was 16 years old with my first trip to Europe and have since traveled to over 50 countries, some many times. I think that if you are open to learning from it, travel can certainly widen your perspectives.

I write about travel, migration, education, social/political perspectives, being a woman, and growing old. I also started a publication on all things dance, but it's been slow going. Thanks for checking out my posts!

Medium member since May 2019
Jody Lynn McBrien

Jody Lynn McBrien

Book Author

Currently living between Paris and Florida, I explore social justice, expat & sr. life. Writer for Digital Global Traveler, Modern Women, Crow's Feet, and more.